Loyalty Brings Royalty Entertainment Presents: The Hottest 4/20 Bash featuring: T-RONE HELLO LOVE.... NEWLY SIGNED WITH CASH MONEY RECORDS...BASH
Other Featuring Artist performing... @David Frost.. Mr. Whitty.... @BlueSteel80PR ...MTV.TELEVISION ARTIST...DEZ NADO
TICKETS /VIP PERSONAL SECTION ARE ON SALE NOW $25.00.. General Admission $65..00..VIP EXPRESS-NO WAIT LINE TICKETS $80.00....VIP CHAIRS (4 chairs to a table).....w/BOTTLE SERVICE VIP PERSONAL SECTIONS...... are starting at $175.00 -up. (some section does include a bottle plus other accommodated services)
If you want a VIP Chair with or w/out a table or A VIP PERSONAL SECTION... Book now they will not last long.....904 377-9228
For more information on please contact Angel at 904-377-9228.
You can also: Loyalty Brings Royalty Entertainment. either by phone 904 377-9228..Facebook..or via email loyalybringsroyalty@mail.com
Brewsters Roc Bar, 845 University BLVD Jacksonville, FL